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Amaya, J., Molina, E., Morales, N., & Uribe, P. (juin 2019). Optimization model for rostering and crew assignment for train transportation [Communication écrite]. 39th International Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM 2019), Wroclaw, Poland. Lien externe

Amaya, J., & Morales, N. (juin 2010). Mathematical formulation and strategies for the mine planning problem [Communication écrite]. Joint International ALIO-INFORMS Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Non disponible


Julio, C., Morales, N., Amaya, J., & Lamghari, A. (mai 2015). Optimal economic envelop of joint open pit and underground mines [Communication écrite]. International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research In the Mineral Industry (APCOM 2015), Fairbanks, Alaska. Lien externe


Morales, N., Nelis, G., & Amaya, J. (2024). An efficient method for optimizing nested open pits with operational bottom space. International Transactions in Operational Research, 31(3), 1609-1630. Disponible

Morales, N., Nelis, G., Saavedra, F., Amaya, J., & Gómez, R. (juin 2023). Using Precedence Constraints to Model the Geometry of Optimal Mining Envelopes [Communication écrite]. Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry Conference (APCOM 2023), Rapid City, South Dakota, USA. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:40:13 2025 EST.