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Alonso, M., Diez, F. V., Vega, A. V., Lorences, M. J., & Patience, G. S. (janvier 2006). Oxidation of butane to maleic anhydride in a simulated circulating bed and membrane reactor [Communication écrite]. 2nd Conference of the European Union Coordination Action "CO-ordination of Nanostructured Catalytic Oxides Research and Development in Europe, Greece. Non disponible

Alonso, M., Lorences, M. J., Patience, G. S., Vega, A. B., Diez, F. V., & Dahl, S. (2005). Membrane Pilot Reactor Applied to Selective Oxidation Reactions. Catalysis Today, 104(2-4), 177-184. Lien externe

Alonso, M., Patience, G. S., Fernandez, J. R., Lorences, M. J., Diez, F., Vega, A., & Cenni, R. (septembre 2005). Pilot scale heat transfer in an inorganic membrane reactor [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Catalysis in membrane reactors, Italy. Non disponible

Alonso, M., Lorences, M. J., Pina, M. P., & Patience, G. S. (2001). Butane partial oxidation in an externally fluidized bed-membrane reactor. Catalysis Today, 67(1-3), 151-157. Lien externe


Lorences, M. J., Laviolette, J.-P., Patience, G. S., Alonso, M., & Diez, F. V. (2006). Fluid Bed Gas RTD: Effect of Fines and Internals. Powder Technology, 168(1), 1-9. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:28:22 2025 EST.