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Alimi, A., & Plamondon, R. (1996). Comparative study of speed/accuracy tradeoffs formulations: the case of spatially constrained movements where both distance and spatial precision are specified. Dans Simmer, M., Leedham, G., & Thomassen, A. J. T. W. M. (édit.), Handwriting and drawing research: basic and applied issues (p. 127-142). Lien externe

Alimi, A., & Plamondon, R. (août 1995). Speed-accuracy tradeoffs formulations: toward a robust law [Communication écrite]. 7th Biennal Conference of the International Graphonomics Society, London, Ontario. Lien externe

Alimi, A., & Plamondon, R. (juillet 1993). Parameter Analysis of Handwriting Strokes Generation Models [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Handwriting Drawing, Paris, France. Non disponible

Alimi, A., & Plamondon, R. (mai 1993). Performance Analysis of Handwritten Strokes Generation Models [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Buffalo, N.Y.. Non disponible

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 02:45:38 2025 EST.