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Ali, H., Ballal, T., Al-Naffouri, T. Y., & Sharawi, M. S. (2020, July). DOA Estimation with a Rank-deficient Covariance matrix: A Regularized Least-squares approach [Paper]. IEEE USNC-CNC-URSI North American Radio Science Meeting. External link
Ali, H., Ahmed, S., Sharawi, M. S., Alouini, M.-S., & Al-Naffouri, T. Y. (2020). Reduced complexity DOA and DOD estimation for a single moving target in bistatic MIMO radar. Signal Processing, 166, 11 pages. External link
Ali, H., Ahmed, S., Al-Naffouri, T. Y., Sharawi, M. S., & Alouini, M.-S. (2017). Target parameter estimation for spatial and temporal formulations in MIMO radars using compressive sensing. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2017(1). Available