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Sepúlveda, G., Alarcón, M., & Morales, N. (2015, July). Integración de parámetros técnico-económicos y variables geometalúrgicas en la planificación minera [Paper]. 4th International Seminar on Mine Planning (MinePlanning 2015), Antofagasta, Chile. Unavailable
Alarcón, M., Morales, N., & Emery, X. (2015, May). Using simulation to assess the trade-off between value and reliability in open pit planning [Paper]. International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research In the Mineral Industry (APCOM 2015), Fairbanks, Alaska. External link
Alarcón, M., Morales, N., & Mancilla, D. (2015, July). VGML: integración de minería de datos, geostadística y planificación minera en la nube [Paper]. 4th International Seminar on Mine Planning (MinePlanning 2015), Antofagasta, Chile. Unavailable
Alarcón, M., Morales, N., Emery, X., McFarlane, A., López, A., & Mancilla, D. (2014, December). Integrating data analysis, geostatistics and mine planning to compute the ultimate pit [Paper]. 2nd International Seminar on Geometallurgy (Geomet 2014), Santiago, Chile. Unavailable