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Ahmadpour, N., Robert, J.-M., & Lindgaard, G. (2016). Aircraft passenger comfort experience: Underlying factors and differentiation from discomfort. Applied Ergonomics, 52, 301-308. Lien externe

Ahmadpour, N., Kuhne, M., Robert, J.-M., & Vink, P. (2016). Attitudes towards personal and shared space during the flight. Work: A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 54(4), 981-987. Lien externe

Ahmadpour, N., Lindgaard, G., Robert, J.-M., & Pownall, B. (2014). The thematic structure of passenger comfort experience and its relationship to the context features in the aircraft cabin. Ergonomics, 57(6), 801-815. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:24:19 2025 EST.