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Shi, P., Boukas, E.-K., & Agarwal, R. K. (1999, December). Memoryless controller design on discrete-time Markovian jump systems with parametric uncertainty and unknown delay [Paper]. 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ. External link
Boukas, E.-K., Shi, P., Nguang, S. K., & Agarwal, R. K. (1999, June). On designing H// infinity controller for a class of nonlinear Markovian jump systems with parametric uncertainties [Paper]. 1999 American Control Conference (99ACC), San Diego, CA, USA. External link
Shi, P., Boukas, E.-K., & Agarwal, R. K. (1999, June). Robust Kalman filtering for continuous-time Markovian jump uncertain systems [Paper]. American Control Conference, San Diego, CA. External link
Shi, P., Boukas, E.-K., Shi, Y., & Agarwal, R. K. (1998, August). Robust control of linear continuous-time uncertain systems with Markovian jump parameters [Paper]. Asia-Pacific Conference on Control & Measurement, 3rd, Dunhuang, China. Unavailable