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Afshani, A., & Wu, K. (2024, September). Operational Aggregation of Dual-Mode Circulator and Dual-Polarization Antenna with Built-in Tunable Self-Interference Cancellation for Full-Duplex [Paper]. 54th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Paris, France. External link
Afshani, A., & Wu, K. (2024). Combining polarization-division multiplexing and ferromagnetic nonreciprocity to achieve in-band ultra-high isolation for full-duplex wireless systems. Engineering, 16 pages. External link
Afshani, A., & Wu, K. (2022). Dual-Polarized Patch Antenna Excited Concurrently by a Dual-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 70(3), 2322-2327. External link
Afshani, A., & Wu, K. (2021). Generalized Theory of Concurrent Multimode Reciprocal and/or Nonreciprocal SIW Ferrite Devices. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 69(10), 4406-4421. External link
Afshani, A., & Wu, K. (2019, October). Concurrent Dual-mode Circulator [Paper]. 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2019), Paris, France. External link
Afshani, A., & Wu, K. (2019). Modal Nonreciprocity and Circulator Based on Nonreciprocal Mode Conversion. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 67(12), 4922-4934. External link
Afshani, A., & Wu, K. (2019, June). Non-Reciprocal Mode Converting Substrate Integrated Waveguide with Unsymmetrical Perturbation [Paper]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2019), Boston, MA, United states. External link
Afshani, A., & Wu, K. (2019). Nonreciprocal Mode Converting Waveguide and Circulator. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 67(8), 3350-3360. External link