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Documents dont l'auteur est "Affes, Sofiene"

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Nombre de documents: 4


Bonkari, B., Moldovan, E., Affes, S., Wu, K., Bosisio, R., & Tatu, S. O. (mai 2008). Six-port FMCW collision avoidance radar sensor configurations [Communication écrite]. IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2008), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada. Lien externe


Tariq, S. A. M., Despins, C. L., Affes, S., & Nerguizian, C. (2020). Angular Dispersion of a Scattered Underground Wireless Channel at 60 GHz. IEEE Access, 8, 67572-67580. Lien externe

Tariq, S. A. M., Despins, C., Affes, S., & Nerguizian, C. (octobre 2015). Experimental Results of Rician K-Factor and Co-Polarization Ratio of 60 GHz Wireless Channel in an Underground Mine Gallery [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB 2015), Montréal, Québec (4 pages). Lien externe

Tariq, S. A. M., Despins, C., Affes, S., & Nerguizian, C. (octobre 2015). Statistical Modeling of 60 GHz Wireless Channel in an Underground Mine Gallery [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB 2015), Montréal, Québec (5 pages). Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:19:08 2025 EST.