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Achour, C., Houle, J.-L., & Davidson, J. (décembre 2000). VLSI architecture of 2D wavelet transforms [Communication écrite]. ICECS 2000. 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Jounieh, Lebanon. Lien externe

Achour, C., Davidson, J., & Houle, J.-L. (1999). Multi elementary processor implementation of 2D wavelet transforms. International journal of computers & applications, 21(3), 125-131. Non disponible

Achour, C., Davidson, J., & Houle, J.-L. (mai 1994). FPGA implementation of wavelet transforms [Communication écrite]. 12th IASTED International Conference Applied Informatics, Annecy, France. Non disponible

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 02:59:09 2025 EST.