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Documents dont l'auteur est "Abrahamsson, Pekka"

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Hooshyar, H., Guerra, E., Melegati, J., Khanna, D., Aldaeej, A., Matturro, G., Zaina, L., Greer, D., Rafiq, U., Chanin, R., Wang, X., Garbajosa, J., Abrahamsson, P., Khomh, F., & Nguyen-Duc, A. (2023). Impact in Software Engineering Activities After One Year of COVID-19 Restrictions for Startups and Established Companies. IEEE Access, 11, 55178-55203. Lien externe

Hooshyar, H., Guerra, E., Melegati, J., Khanna, D., Aldaeej, A., Matturro, G., Zaina, L., Greer, D., Chanin, R., Wang, X., Garbajosa, J., Abrahamsson, P., Khomh, F., & Nguyen-Duc, A. (2023). Supplemental package of a study on the impacts of Covid-19 on software startups and established companies [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe


Nguyen-Duc, A., Abrahamsson, P., & Khomh, F. (2024). Generative AI for effictive software development. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 02:43:06 2025 EST.