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West, H. , Hodgson, B., Parent, É., Samuel, S., Hodgson, B., Ferland, C., Soroceanu, A., Protopsaltis, T. S., Radovanovic, I., Amritanand, R., Shamji, M. F., Haugo, K., Malham, G. M., Jarzem, P., Rampersaud, Y. R., Tomkins‐Lane, C., Manson, N. B., King, V., Goldstein, C. M., ... Ouellet, J. (2014). Combined Spine Conference of the Canadian Spine Society New Zealand Orthopaedic Spine Society, Spine Society of Australia: Fairmont Château Lake Louise, Lake, Louise, Alberta, Tuesday, Feb. 25 to Saturday, Mar. 1, 20141.1.01 The use of suspension radiographs to predict LIV tilt.1.1.02 Surgical correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis without fusion: an animal model.1.1.03 Are full torso surface topography postural measurements more sensitive to change than back only parameters in …. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 57(3 Suppl 2), S18-S46. External link