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Abdulnour, J., Wu, K., Akyel, C., & Bosisio, R. (1994, January). Analysis of multiport circuits in MMIC with a mixed waveguide model boundary integral method [Paper]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 1994), Tokyo, Japan. Unavailable
Abdulnour, J., Akyel, C., & Wu, K. (1994, June). Broadband measurement of complex permittivity using a composite stripline scattering technique [Paper]. IEEE AP-S International Symposium & URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA. Unavailable
Abdulnour, J., Akyel, C., & Wu, K. (1994, January). Méthode unifiée pour mesurer la permittivité diélectrique utilisant un guide d'ondes rectangulaire ou une ligne micro-ruban [Paper]. 3es JCMM, Brest, France. Unavailable
Abdulnour, J., Wu, K., Akyel, C., Marchildon, L., & Bosisio, R. (1994). Modelling of arbitrarily shaped MMIC and hybrid planar circuits with a mixed waveguide model boundary integral method. IEE Proceedings: Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 141(6), 495-500. External link
Boone, F., Hindson, D., Caron, M., Abdulnour, J., & Wu, K. Design and properties of integrated millimeter-wave bandpass filters using nonradiative dielectric waveguide for broadband wireless system [Paper]. Gigahertz Devices and Systems. External link
Kobeissi, H., Abdulnour, J., Wu, K., & Stubbs, M. (1995, September). CAD technique for filter applications with arbitrarily shaped planar patch resonators [Paper]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 1995), Montréal, Québec. External link