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Abdollahi, S., Tavakoli Dastjerdi, Z., Waygood, O., Cloutier, M.‐S., & Boisjoly, G. (juillet 2023). Identifying the Influence of Dangerous Intersections in Measuring Accessibility for Children's Independent Mobility, A Case Study in Montreal, Canada [Communication écrite]. World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2023), Montréal, Québec. Publié dans Transportation research procedia, 82. Lien externe

Abdollahi, S., Waygood, O., Tavakoli Dastjerdi, Z., Cloutier, M.‐S., & Abi‐Zeid, I. (2024). Understanding the Factors Affecting Traffic Danger for Children: Insights From Focus Group Discussions. Urban Planning, 9. Lien externe

Abdollahi, S., Waygood, O., Aliyas, Z., & Cloutier, M.-S. (2023). An Overview of How the Built Environment Relates to Children's Health. Current Environmental Health Reports, 10(3), 264-277. Lien externe


Tavakoli, Z., Abdollahi, S., Waygood, O., Paez, A., & Boisjoly, G. (2024). Traffic danger's potential impact on children's accessibility. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 135, 104370 (23 pages). Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:25:14 2025 EST.