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Fortier, N., Demoment, G., & Goussard, Y. (1993). GCV and ML Methods of Determining Parameters in Image Restoration by Regularization: Fast Computation in the Spatial Domain and Experimental Comparison. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 4(2), 157-170. External link
Idier, J., & Goussard, Y. (1993). Markov modeling for Bayesian restoration of two-dimensional layered structures. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 39(4), 1356-1373. External link
Joly, D., Goussard, Y., & Savard, P. (1993, October). Time-recursive solution to the inverse problem of electrocardiography: a model-based approach [Paper]. 15th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 1995), San Diego, CA, USA. External link
Le Besnerais, G., & Goussard, Y. (1993). Improved square-root forms of fast linear least squares estimation algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 41(3), 1415-1421. External link
Mailloux, G. E., Mallouche, H., Noumeir, R., & Lemieux, R. (1993, January). The MART algorithm for spect and entropy maximization [Paper]. Physiological Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Early-Detection Diagnostic Methods, Los Angeles, CA, United states. External link
Noumeir, R., Mailloux, G. E., Mallouche, H., & Lemieux, R. (1993, January). Comparison between ML-EM and modified Newton algorithms for SPECT image reconstruction [Paper]. Physiological Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Early-Detection Diagnostic Methods, Los Angeles, CA, United states. External link
Shaw, G. R., Goussard, Y., & Guardo, R. (1993, October). Linearization of the forward problem in electrical impedance tomography [Paper]. 15th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA. External link
Shaw, G., Goussard, Y., & Guardo, R. (1993, September). Reconstruction linéaire régularisée en tomographie d'impédance électrique [Paper]. 14e Colloque Gretsi, Juan-les-Pins, France. Unavailable
Wang, S. (1993). A model study of the effects of microstructure on electrical properties of cardiac bundles [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available