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Distinction between pathological and functional co-activation during active elbow extension in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy

Aurélie Sarcher, Maxime Raison, Raphaël Gross, Laurent Ballaz, Fabien Leboeuf, Sylvain Brochard et Brigitte Perrouin-Verbe

Communication écrite (2015)

Ce document n'est pas archivé dans PolyPublie
Département: Département de génie mécanique
URL de PolyPublie: https://publications.polymtl.ca/34329/
Nom de la conférence: 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC 2015)
Lieu de la conférence: Heidelberg, Germany
Date(s) de la conférence: 2015-09-10 - 2015-09-12
Date du dépôt: 18 avr. 2023 15:07
Dernière modification: 05 avr. 2024 11:26
Citer en APA 7: Sarcher, A., Raison, M., Gross, R., Ballaz, L., Leboeuf, F., Brochard, S., & Perrouin-Verbe, B. (septembre 2015). Distinction between pathological and functional co-activation during active elbow extension in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy [Communication écrite]. 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC 2015), Heidelberg, Germany.


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